AGE Manifesto

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AGE Manifesto
2024 European Parliament elections

The Europe we want is for all ​​​​ages 

We are all ageing.
The majority of children born in the European Union today can expect to live to more than 100 years. Longevity is an achievement. However, unless we reshape how our societies view and address ageing, we will all ​​miss the benefits and opportunities of a longer life. 

We are all ageing, but inequalities accumulate over our lifetime. Unless we consider a life course approach, we will continue leaving people behind and we will miss the opportunity to celebrate diversity in old age. 

We are all ageing, but ageism prevents us from living to our full potential and may even affect our health, wellbeing, and life expectancy.
COVID-19 has shown just how badly things can go wrong when our human rights are not equally protected in old age. Unless we treat age discrimination with the same gravity in law and practice as other forms of discrimination, we will deny ourselves the opportunity to fully participate in society on an equal basis with others.  

We are all ageing, but too often we are portrayed as vulnerable, dependent, frail, and incapable, even as a cost to our societies. Unless our contributions and experiences are better recognised, valued, and supported, we will not achieve a society for all ages. Today we work, we engage in political life, we volunteer, we provide care, and we exchange with younger generations. Tomorrow, we want to continue doing so.

We call on the next
European Parliament to: 

​1 . Promote age equality 

  • Extend the existing EU legal framework on age discrimination beyond the field of employment. 
  • ​​​​​Raise awareness on ageism by promoting initiatives to eliminate ageist practices and educational campaigns to dismiss stereotypes on older age. 
  • Address the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination that people experience based on a combination of factors such as age, gender or disability, and the cumulative forms of discrimination that build up over time. 
  • Gather and publish inclusive age-disaggregated data without age limits ​​to assess the potential impact of policies and programmes, to deliver effective policies and monitor their implementation. 
  • Support the drafting of a United Nations convention on the rights of older persons that would ​​​​trigger legal reforms to prohibit age discrimination across every aspect of life. 

2. Foster ​​participation and active ageing

  • Ensure meaningful involvement of older people in political participation, equal access to culture, justice, employment, life-long learning, and vocational training, including digital literacy.
  • Guarantee older people full, affordable, and equal access to key essential services and goods like health and care services, food, housing, public transport, and banking services; maintain alternative options to digital services.
  • Encourage approaches where transition between learning, working, family care, periods of unemployment, and retirement can take place seamlessly and at different ages.
  • Promote intergenerational solidarity, including exchange of cultural, professional, technological knowledge and skills between younger and older people.

3. Ensure autonomy and well being

  • Empower older workers for sustainable and quality working lives, by removing barriers such as mandatory retirement, tackling age discrimination in the labour market, and adapting the workplace for all ages.
  • Secure adequacy of pensions and old-age minimum income schemes, address their erosion over time, to provide older people with financial security, allow them to cover their needs, and access adequate healthcare and housing, including by paying attention to the issues of cross border transferability and migration within the EU.
  • Protect older people against all forms of abuse and violence, including financial exploitation, neglect, and isolation.
  • Ensure autonomy, independence, participation, and inclusion of older people in long-term care; improve the quality and working conditions of formal carers in long-term services and support informal carers, including through adequate training.


  • By working towards the adoption of an EU Age Equality Strategy4, to uphold human rights equally at all ages and address barriers that keep us from living fairly and freely when we are older.  
  • ​​​By requesting a strong coordination between European Commission’s services whose work has a critical impact on ageing policies. This coordination shall be ensured by the Directorate General Justice and Consumers, responsible for equality. 
  • By re-establishing the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations encouraging Members of the European Parliament to be champions for the rights of older persons.  

This manifesto was put together by AGE Platform Europe Members.

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Explore the complete AGE Manifesto or the concise 2-page version. Spread the word among family, friends, and connections.

Together we can create a society for all ages!


The three major calls of our Manifesto mentioned above – promote age equality, foster participation & active ageing, and ensure autonomy and well being – will be the focus of three Manifesto Explainers.
In these policy documents, we will explore these calls in details and provide future EU officials with recommendations for changes.

Manifesto Explainer #1

Dive in more detail into one of our three main calls to the upcoming European Parliament and Commission: Age Equality.

Our policy document examines what age equality means, why it is important and what we need to achieve it.

Manifesto Explainer #2 - Foster participation and active ageing Explore further one of our three key calls for the upcoming European Parliament and Commission: Foster participation and active ageing Our policy document examines what participation and active ageing means, why is fostering participation in old age important and what do we need on EU level to achieve it.
Manifesto Explainer #2

This document examines what participation and active ageing means, why is fostering participation in old age important and what do we need on EU level to achieve it.

Manifesto Explainer #3

Coming soon

Manifesto in National languages

Can you help us spread this Manifesto?

You can help us make this vision of a society for all ages a reality by:

  1. Reading the Manifesto
  2. Endorsing the Manifesto
  3. Tweeting to the European Parliament candidates, asking them to support the AGE Equality Manifesto too.
  4. Using the hashtag #AGEManifesto2024
  5. Mentioning @AGE_PlatformEU

To call for age equality, we need to have all generations working together. this is why we joined the European Youth Forum to develop an intergenerational declaration, a call to refrain from ageism in the European Parliament elections and to foster dialogue between generations